Stated Requirements
Outlined in the Strategic Defence Review (SDR) released in 1998 under the new Labor Party Government of Tony Blair, the British military and naval forces were deployed around the world in ways not envisioned during the cold war era. The diversity of the deployment scenarios supported not only national interests buy NATO, U

Outlined in the SDR is the intentions to replace the Invincible class aircraft carries with two larger and more capable carries. The new CTVs are designed to carry 40 aircraft with a total displacement of 66,000 tones, 70% the displacement of the Nimitz Class carriers used by the US Navy. The size of the new carrier is designed to be more interoperable with US forces and to be used for deep strike missions requiring 30 or more sorties. With a renewed focus on maritime, littoral and deep strike operations the CTV will be equipped with the soon to be delivered Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) F-35B STOVL and F-35C carrier variants. While initially equipped with a ski-jump deck, conversion to a Catapault Assisten Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) system will allow this carrier class the possibility of conventional take-off and landing aircraft beyond the F-35B and tighter interoperability with US naval forces.
The UK has generally had only a small number of aircraft deployed in Opearation Desert Fox and Operation Telic where Tornado GR.4 and GR.7's were deployed from land based airstrips. This required the assistance of friendly nations to conduct their operateions. In the event foreign bases may inaccessible, a super car

rier would free them from this handicap. With over 70% of the world covered in water floating sovereign territory can only serve to boaster foreign policy. During the Falklands War, the Invincible class was deployed to help recapture the island, but its size limited the number of aircraft the UK had at its disposal. Its relatively small size made it unable to deployed Airborn Early Warning (AEW) aircraft like the E-2C Hawkeye in sel
f defense of its carrier, ground and air forces. The Invincible still remains vulnerable. (see size difference between the US Nimitz Class (left) and the Invincible class.) The CVF will be able to deploy air power in a consistent manner day and night, in all weather, in support of defensive or offensive support to ground forces in the littoral area.
In Preparation
In preparation for the new carriers, the Royal Navy has been upgrading its escort fleet around the

concept of "Maritime Contributions to Joint Operations". The Type 45 destroyers equipped with the PAAMS integrated anti-aircraft system and the Aster 15 and 30 missiles, will be the air guard of the
future. Undersea warfare will be handled by the Astute-class attack submarine.