April 20, 2007

[PS] Black Wednesday In Baghdad

This kind of article highlights the optomistic bias inherent in the pursuit of a US military solution to stability issues in Iraq (article see link below). 
If the events of Wednesday April 18, 2006 was erported as the US killing 250 insurgents in a one day air strike or a 'coalition' raid, then the article would have omitted the fact the US had not completed their "surge" deployment, and instead berrate critics of the US presence in Iraq or the democrats for pushing for a timetable for withdrawl, or go on the praise offensive of the new Bush policy and the success the new field commander has had...
Black Wednesday In Baghdad Washington (UPI) April 19, 2007 - The first thing to say about the horrific events in Baghdad Wednesday is that a single day's mayhem, no matter how horrific, does not decide the outcome of a war. The U.S. troop buildup in Iraq is not completed and will not be so until at least the end of next month. Wars are bloody, tragic, messy and above all unpredictable. The finest security forces and counter-insurgency troops in the world have their bad or unlucky days.... Source: http://www.spacewar.com/reports/Black_Wednesday_In_Baghdad_999.html