March 22, 2007

[PS] Polymorphic Computer

Raytheon is quoted as being the first to develop a polymorphic computer. A polymorphic computer is one whose architecture can be adapted to different kinds of processing requirements. Raytheon calls their new breakthrough the MONARCH (Morphable Netoworked Micro-Architecture) and can be used to process large data volumes from sensor systems. Developed by the department of defense, this processor will replace the number of processor types used in computing systems. The idea of a 'system on a chip' is not new. Nick Uros, vice president of Advanced Concepts and Technology Group at Raytheon describes the limitations of other micro-processors as being "optimally designed either for front-end signal processing or back-end control and data processing,". The MONARCH however is unique in that it can reconfigure itself on the fly to provide optimized processing in either case. Michael Vahey, the principal investigator says "In laboratory testing MONARCH outperformed the Intel quad-core Xeon chip by a factor of 10,". This is probably due to the architecture of MONARCH itself. It consists of six micro-processors with a highly interconnected reconfigurable computing array. A total of 64 gigaflops of processing in possible with more than 60 gigabytes per second of memory bandwidth and 43 gigabytes of off-chip data ensures this chip's superior data processing capacity.

Source: spacemart